Adult 4 - Paracletes (those who come alongside)
Teacher: Bill Livingston
Teacher Bio
Bill Livingston has been a Christian since age 18. While not raised in a Christian home, God totally changed Bill's life when he was saved and started a wonderful adventure that he is still on. Bill started teaching at age 20 to a college and career class and for all but a couple of years has continued to teach adult classes.
Mixed adults 50-90, married couples, widows, widowers, warm, loving and supportive with a caring attitude that goes beyond words to action.
Class Atmosphere
Our class averages 35-45 members providing a loving and caring environment as our members pray and support one another. We begin our class providing coffee and food goodies to enhance the fellowship time leading up to our studies. While the teaching is typically done in a lecture mode, many questions or comments from the class adds valuable insight.
Our study in this class utilizes a study guide from Accent Bible Curriculum which uses an expository study of the books of the Bible. We provide a study guide for each new book we cover. I utilize this study guide as a starting point and expand our study utilizing other godly commentaries from teachers such as John MacArthur, John Phillips, Warren Wiersbe along with other godly preachers. My teaching method utilizes PowerPoint lessons allowing efficient presentation of supporting scripture where appropriate.
We began a study in the book of Philippians in March. This study will probably take 13-16 weeks.