Kid's Point

All volunteers undergo background checks prior to serving with any youth or children. 



The nursery allows us to partner with parents in helping babies and toddlers, ages newborn through three years of age, take their first steps toward learning about God. Nursery is provided for all services including Sunday school and most special events. It is staffed by warm and experienced caregivers who have been thoroughly vetted.






Sunday School

While parents are attending Sunday School, all children are engaging in an exciting time of learning their own classes. They are split into two classes: the four and five year old class and the six year old through fifth grade class. This is designed to reach our children in creative environments and age-appropriate teaching methods.




Children's Church

For families attending the worship service, we offer Children's Church. This is designed to reach our children in creative environments and with age-appropriate teaching methods. This allows our parents to serve in their ministries or attend the worship service knowing their children are being cared for both physically and spiritually. You may sign your child in at 10:45 AM in the Taylor Hall foyer. It is for children four years of age through fifth grade. 






On Wednesday nights, Southpoint offers an exciting children's program for ages four years old through fifth grade. During the school year, we use the Awana curriculum. During the summer, we have on-site activities ranging from a petting zoo to guest missionaries sharing their stories. Every night is full of fun and Bible teaching. The children's program is from 6:45 PM to 8:00 PM.


Community Activities

All of our community activities prioritize sharing the love of Jesus in unique ways with children, parents, and grandparents. While these activities are filled with fun and excitement, we do not miss the opportunity to let the gospel connect with children on their level.


Some of these activities include:

  • Easter Egg Hunt
  • Vacation Bible School (VBS)
  • Trunk or Treat