Asia Europe Oceania South America Central America North America Africa


Missions Overview

Southpoint Baptist Church recognizes the importance of following the Great Commission of Jesus Christ.  This church is passionate about spreading the gospel to the "ends of the earth."  Support for our missionaries comes through Faith Promise giving and we currently support more than 80 missionaries and mission organizations, both around the world and here at home.  The Missions Committee, composed of 5 members, oversees and recommends how and to whom support is distributed.   In addition to financial support, our church founded "Southpoint House," a special and comfortable place for missionaries to stay as they travel the country on deputation and furlough.  It is open to those of like faith and is free of charge to those in fulltime Christian service.  Southpoint Baptist Church considers it not only our duty to participate in the mission of taking the gospel around the world, but a distinct and honorable privilege.