
View live streams on our YouTube channel
Missionaries Blake and Bridgette Young
February 21, 2021
Blake Young
Hear missionary Blake Young share the message of the glory of God and the Gospel.
Adam and Angel Ragsdale Interview
February 17, 2021
Terry Collins
Join us as Pastor Collins interviews Adam and Angel Ragsdale, missionaries to Thailand.
Did You Hear That?
February 17, 2021
Hebrews 1:1-4|Jake White
"God has spoken" according to the Bible. But what has He said? What might He be saying to you today? Are you listening?
Love Like Jesus
February 14, 2021
1 Corinthians 13|Jake White
Join us as Pastor Jake shares a Valentine's Day message that applies to all of us no matter our status. We should love all people and love them like Jesus, through, for Jesus.
Forged By Fire
February 10, 2021
Jake White
God is at work in your life forging you into the person He wants you to be! Trust Him in the process.
He Makes All Things Beautiful...
February 10, 2021
Terry Collins
Join us as Pastor shares his heart on the hope that we find in Christ during times of crisis. We can hope in the promise that He makes all things beautiful in His time.
It's Time To Preach The Gospel (Part 2)
February 7, 2021
Terry Collins
Join us for the second part of Pastor Collins' message on preaching the Gospel.
Breaking the Silence
February 3, 2021
Jake White
King David gives us a great example of how we should respond in every situation whether good or bad. His attitude challenges us to break the silence as we give praise to God.
Missionary Matt Patton Interview
February 3, 2021
Join us as Pastor interviews Matt Patton, missionary to the Dominican Republic.
It's Time to Preach the Gospel
January 31, 2021
Terry Collins
Join us as Pastor Collins shares part one of this message on preaching the Gospel!