
View live streams on our YouTube channel
Southpoint Kids - Wednesday, April 22
April 22, 2020
Nick Powell
What We Can Learn From The Covid-19 Experience - Wednesday, April 22
April 22, 2020
Terry Collins
Gauging Your Spiritual Life - Sunday April 19
April 19, 2020
Jake White
The Powers That Be - Sunday, April 19
April 19, 2020
Terry Collins
Southpoint Kids - Sunday, April 19
April 19, 2020
Matthew 5:21-48|Nick Powell
Don’t Just See The Need, Meet It | Wednesday, April 15
April 15, 2020
Jake White
What first comes to mind when you hear the word “ministry”? Is it a place like a church or a homeless shelter? Is it a title like pastor or missionary? Today we learn that ministry isn’t ministry if it isn’t meeting the needs of others.
Wednesday, April 15
April 15, 2020
Terry Collins
Wednesday, April 15
April 15, 2020
Nick Powell
Easter Devotion - "Take A Look" Part Two
April 12, 2020
Jake White
Southpoint Kids - Sunday, April 12
April 12, 2020
Nick Powell
Gather around as Pastor Nick shares with our children why we celebrate Easter!