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A Drop in the Bucket
July 9, 2023
John 6:5-13|Jake White
Every felt like the situation in front of you was too much to handle? No matter what you do, it feels like it's just a drop in the bucket and there's no point in moving forward. God doesn't want us to think that way. The truth is you can't give what you don't have; so, give what you do have to Jesus and see what He does with it.
What Can I Say About Freedom?
July 2, 2023
John 8:31-36|Terry Collins
Thank you for joining us today! Our prayer is that you leave this service encouraged by the music and challenged by God's Word. If you have any questions or want to know more about our church, please visit our website at where you will find information about our beliefs, how to have a relationship with God, past sermons, our contact information, and more.
We All Need A Little Rope
June 25, 2023
Mark 2:1-5|Preacher McCormick
Thank you for joining us today! Our prayer is that you leave this service encouraged by the music and challenged by God's Word. If you have any questions or want to know more about our church, please visit our website at where you will find information about our beliefs, how to have a relationship with God, past sermons, our contact information, and more.
Father's Day Service | Can I Get A Witness? (Part 2)
June 18, 2023
Revelation 11:1-14|Terry Collins
Thank you for joining us today! Our prayer is that you leave this service encouraged by the music and challenged by God's Word. If you have any questions or want to know more about our church, please visit our website at where you will find information about our beliefs, how to have a relationship with God, past sermons, our contact information, and more.
Can I Get A Witness? (Part 1)
June 11, 2023
Revelation 11:1-14|Terry Collins
Thank you for joining us today! Our prayer is that you leave this service encouraged by the music and challenged by God's Word. If you have any questions or want to know more about our church, please visit our website at where you will find information about our beliefs, how to have a relationship with God, past sermons, our contact information, and more.
Very Reasonable Reasons to Serve and Sacrifice
June 4, 2023
Romans 12:1-2|Terry Collins
Thank you for joining us today! Our prayer is that you leave this service encouraged by the music and challenged by God's Word. If you have any questions or want to know more about our church, please visit our website at where you will find information about our beliefs, how to have a relationship with God, past sermons, our contact information, and more.
Memorial Day Service | Gary Williams Interview
May 29, 2023
Romans 12:1-2|Terry Collins
Thank you for joining us today! In this very special Memorial Day service we will be interviewing author and Vietnam Veteran, Gary Williams about his life, experiences, and new book series about faith and love. If you have any questions or want to know more about our church, please visit our website at where you will find information about our beliefs, how to have a relationship with God, past sermons, our contact information, and more.
Managing This Messy Life | Senior Sunday
May 21, 2023
Matthew 25:14-30|Jake White
Have you ever borrowed a car from a friend and felt this overwhelming sense of responsibility? Fear set's in, "what if something happens?" Why do you feel that way? Because the car is not yours! Listen, every breath you breathe is borrowed from God. One day, we will give an account for what we did with the life He gave us. So, manage life like it's not your own. Let's talk about it...
Mother's Day Service | "Life by the Numbers"
May 14, 2023
Psalm 90:1-17|Terry Collins
Thank you for joining us today! Our prayer is that you leave this service encouraged by the music and challenged by God's Word. If you have any questions or want to know more about our church, please visit our website at where you will find information about our beliefs, how to have a relationship with God, past sermons, our contact information, and more.
An Angel Comes Calling
May 7, 2023
Revelation 10:1-11|Terry Collins
Thank you for joining us today! Our prayer is that you leave this service encouraged by the music and challenged by God's Word. If you have any questions or want to know more about our church, please visit our website at where you will find information about our beliefs, how to have a relationship with God, past sermons, our contact information, and more.