
View live streams on our YouTube channel
Southpoint Kids - Sunday, April 12
April 12, 2020
Nick Powell
Gather around as Pastor Nick shares with our children why we celebrate Easter!
Easter Service
April 12, 2020
Terry Collins
Join us in celebrating our risen Lord!
Saturday, April 11
April 11, 2020
Jake White
On Friday we saw the cross. On Sunday we saw the tomb. But what happened on Saturday? I think it was a day full of questions and confusion. But Jesus had already given the answer.
Saturday, April 11
April 11, 2020
Terry Collins
Salt Light Youth - Friday, April 10
April 10, 2020
Jake White
Good Friday
April 10, 2020
Terry Collins
Thursday, April 9
April 9, 2020
Terry Collins
Salt Light Youth - Thursday, April 9
April 9, 2020
Jake White
Southpoint Kids - Wednesday, April 8
April 8, 2020
Nick Powell
Wednesday, April 8
April 8, 2020
Terry Collins